As we go into the end of the year and count all the stuff we're supposed to, I just wanted to say....thankfully this has been a very busy year in the studio. Below are 3 opportunities to check out the some of the results of all the hard work.
Sparkplug, the artist collective I belong to has a show up right now at DC Arts Center; our incredibly awesome sponsoring non-profit gallery and theatre, who I am eternally thankful to for such a great idea of sponsoring a collective in the first place! We will be discussing our new work and how working with a group of artists and curators influences our studio practices this coming Sunday.
District of Columbia Arts Center
Sparkplug presents: Findings
October 16th - November 15, 2009
Artist's Talk
Sunday, November 8 @ 3pm
2438 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
October 16th - November 15, 2009
Artist's Talk
Sunday, November 8 @ 3pm
2438 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
My work has also been included in the Transformer Art Gallery benefit auction this year. Transformer is a really great non-profit gallery here in DC that fosters the careers of emerging artists and curators. Tickets are going fast!
Breakoff I 5" x 7" Monoprint ©2007
6th Annual Silent Auction & Benefit Party
Transformer Gallery
November 7, 2009
7:00 – 10:00 pm
@The Mexican Cultural Institute
2829 16th Street NW Washington, DC
Contact or 202.483.1102.6th Annual Silent Auction & Benefit Party
Transformer Gallery
November 7, 2009
7:00 – 10:00 pm
@The Mexican Cultural Institute
2829 16th Street NW Washington, DC
Tickets are close to selling out, so please contact Transformer staff ASAP to secure your participation in what has become one of the biggest Washington, DC art events of the year! Tickets will not be sold at the door. For a downloadable pdf of the artworks to be included in this year's Auction click here.
Check out the December Ink-n-Print show at the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery. There is a great laundry list of local artists participating with small affordable works on paper. This show will definitely be worth checking out.
Helen Frederick's Ink‐N‐Print 09: Small Works Show
December 2nd-24th, 2009
Artist's reception: Friday, December 4, 6‐8pm
1632 U Street, NW
Washington DC 20009
untitled 6" x 9" linoblock ©2009
I hope as we get ready to close 2009 you are able to count all the good things that happened and end the year with a smile, as I am.