Saturday, September 27, 2008

Village Voice Review

Please note the new opening date is October 16th.

Fall Preview: Jesper Just's Schizo Enigma\

Four films at the Brooklyn Museum of Art

By Robert Shuster

Wednesday, September 3rd 2008

'The Meat Show'
This is what you call raw art: Heide Hatry, the daughter of a Bavarian pig farmer and an artist who once wallpapered a room with a porker's skin, has assembled a wild survey of the meanings of meat. Central to the show are Carolee Schneemann's notorious sex-with-chickens dance orgy from 1964,
Meat Joy, and Zhang Huan's stroll through Manhattan in a muscled costume of dark-red beef. Other trenchant works include Tamara Kostianovsky's sirloin mimicry with fabric, Jenny Walton's painting of an oozing wound, and Betty Hirst's figures carved from frozen roast, which bleed as they thaw. Be forewarned: After staging a similar show, Hatry became a committed vegetarian. Daneyal Mahmood Gallery, 511 West 25th Street, 212-675-2966.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

E32 - A little late...but I heard it was a great presentation!

7:30 - 10ish

E32 is pleased to present



Present and speaking about their work will be several members of
The District of Columbia Arts Center
collective, SPARKPLUG

Kathryn McDonnell
, Karen Joan Topping site & blog, Mike Matason, Lisa McCarty, Jenny Walton site & blog, Mark Planisek site& site 2 Deborah Carroll Anzinger, Peter Gordon , Lea Ann Bigelow

New York's Own:
Serge J-F. Levy
, Alexander Skarlinski , Asya Geisberg, Tony Feyer & Dax Van Alten.

Video by Out of Town Guests:
Swedish artists, Jonas Nilsson and Eva Olsson

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vote smART: What Grade Did Your Member Receive?

From: Americans for the Arts Action Fund []


Arts Action Fund Home Page

September 17, 2008

Dear Katherine:

2008 Report CardThe Americans for the Arts Action Fund PAC has produced the 2008 Congressional Arts Report Card to help you make arts-informed decisions at the ballot box in November. The report contains carefully evaluated legislative benchmarks that form a detailed arts record, including a numerical score and letter grade, for each Member of the House based on numerous arts and arts education issues. All Arts Action Fund members will be receiving a paper copy of the report card in the mail. You can read additional analysis of Congressional arts-related votes, including state rankings and trends in our press release.

Advocates for the arts have a chance to Vote smART on November 4, when candidates for all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate will face the voters. This election season provides a watershed opportunity to send to Congress pro-arts lawmakers who realize the value of the arts in fueling creativity and innovation, educating our children, enriching lives and strengthening communities. Despite recent gains and steadfast support for cultural funding from committed legislators on both sides of the aisle, the challenge remains to help create a sustainable majority of cultural supporters who recognize the impact that relatively modest federal support has on their districts and the country at large.

Arts SurveyIn addition, to help guide voters in understanding the arts policy positions of those non-incumbent candidates running for election, Americans for the Arts Action Fund PAC has conducted candidate arts surveys across the country. The survey responses from those candidates who have replied are available for you to review.


Visit Americans for the Arts Action Fund's E-Advocacy Election Center to:

Our Senators and Representatives need to know what scores of educators, business and civic leaders already do: the arts matter. Tell your Members of Congress that their support of the arts is critical to YOUR vote on Election Day. Vote smART on November 4!

Join or renew your membership with Americans for the Arts Action Fund today!



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I want to live my life not by the regret of "what if", but by its possibilities. -ME

What lies behind us and what lies before us are nothing compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson