Monday, May 07, 2007

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I'M DONE!!!!!!

Its been a helluva ride thus far.  Tonight is the big celebration of 2 years of hard work.  I'm planning on celebrating BIG!!!! 
The last several weeks have been crazy and at time I almost think someone should have commited me.  Unlike most of my counterparts who have been planning what they were going to display in our thesis show,  I changed my entire body of work and created everything a week before the show went up.  So for those that received my postcard...that painting isn't even in the Museum.  Everything is brand spanking new.  Its also been a parade of critics, curators, and gallerists, and collectors through our studios and the show, so cross your fingers for me!
I was awarded the Jo-Anne Crisp Ellert Award for Excellence along with my roomate from Rome, Becca.  I think we were both floored and flattered by the recognition.  As well as I received a Mellon Grant from the University for the preparation of my thesis show.  Plans after this include visiting family and friends for a few weeks then heading to upstate New York for the Summer for the Chautauqua School of Art residency program where I have been given a scholarship to attend.  I'm hoping to develop that shiny new body of work there.
So...the suitcases can't be burned yet.  I'm still gonna be a travelling fool, but at this point, I think I'm ready for the next adventure!  Hope this finds everyone happy, well, and enjoying life!
P.S.  I"m attaching a quick photo of the new work.

I want to live my life not by the regret of "what if", but by its possibilities. -ME

What lies behind us and what lies before us are nothing compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson